1.I believe I've found someone and I'm beginning to fall for him, likewise he's feeling the same way too.
2.Because a unit test is a method within a class, you can navigate to it in the same way that you can navigate to any other method in code.
3.You told me you loved me in the same way. How much I was touched at the moment.
4.If you are lucky and you know that your best friend feels the same way, then this might be an option for you to try.
5.Offhand, the only other army that I know of that was formed in the same way was the Yugoslav partisans of Marshal Tito.
6.The earth is one of the nine planets. All nine planets go round the sun the same way. Each of them also turns on its own axis.
7.The ratio of the Renminbi deposit reserve shall be worked out in the same way as that of the foreign currency reserve.
8.In the same way that an unnecessary Fortitude save isn't that bad, because at least you got to roll a save?
9.You know, I think it's interesting if it's your kid. The same way your fantasy football stories are only interesting to you.
10.The state legislatures act in much the same way, although the process for enacting a bill within the legislatures is often more streamlined.